ERISA Plan Documents and SPDs
For most plan sponsors, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is the most significant law governing their employee health and welfare benefit plans. Two of the most basic requirements imposed by ERISA are that the plan has a written plan document and a Summary Plan Description (SPD). Complying with these requirements can, in some cases, pose challenges for plan sponsors and plan administrators.
In this webinar, we will cover:
- The basics of ERISA
- The written plan document requirement
- The Summary Plan Description (SPD) requirement
We will also help answer the following questions:
- What health and welfare plans are subject to ERISA?
- What are the required documents under ERISA, and what information must those documents contain?
- What are the distribution requirements for ERISA-required documents?
- What are wrap documents, and how are they used to satisfy requirements under ERISA?
Attend & Earn 1.0 SHRM and HRCI Credit
Presented by the Brown & Brown Regulatory & Legislative Strategy Group.
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