Property & Casualty

Workers’ Compensation Best Practices | Culture of Caring and Cost Savings

Workers’ Compensation Best Practices | Culture of Caring and Cost Savings

As your business grows and changes, so does your need to mitigate risk. It’s imperative to identify ways to minimize the frequency and severity of accidents. The life of a claim directly results from the practices, policies and procedures an organization has in place.

Best practices are commercial or professional processes accepted or prescribed as correct or the most effective. These practices require education, implementation and adherence, which takes planning and effort.

When discussing Workers’ Compensation, the difference between putting these best practices in place compared to neglecting to follow them impacts the injured employee, the employer and the carrier differently. Using best practices can frame all aspects of a claim and drive a more favorable outcome, reflected in the claims cycle – before, during and after the time of loss.

Pre-Claim Best Practices

What are you doing before the claim occurs? What you do before a claim directly influences the claim process.

It’s imperative to hire the right person for the position. You should develop a comprehensive and detailed approach to hire the most qualified person for open roles, not just filling a slot. Always include background checks and appropriate testing, and make sure this thorough and respectful search is reflected throughout the interview process. If you hire the most qualified candidate, this may reduce the possibility of a subsequent claim.

Cultivate relationships with all parties impacted by a potential claim. A wide network of groups feels the effect of a claim, from the injured employee’s family, medical care providers, insurance carrier and others. Establishing relationships with these groups will positively impact the claim trajectory and resolution.

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