Simplify your global placement process



Multinational businesses face a complicated maze of insurance laws and regulations. When your operations and employees span across the globe, your exposures require flexible risk management options to protect your business. Brown & Brown’s Multinational team helps you simplify your global placement process. We work with you to build a program that helps meet your business needs and objectives, while maintaining compliance as a top priority.

How We Can Help

Brown & Brown’s Multinational team supports freedom of choice and gives you the opportunity to select the best local brokers to meet your in-country needs. Whether you have long-standing relationships or are just beginning your global footprint, we help provide comprehensive, customizable services across all territories. Our compliance-focused approach helps meet regulatory and contractual requirements globally while efficiently managing your insurance spend. We offer owned network options as well as access to the Worldwide Broker Network (WBN), the largest independent network spanning more than 100 countries, providing ready access to local brokerage, operating under service protocols and promoting responsive personal relationships.

Products and Services

  • Master programs, with coordinated coverage for all territories
  • Local compliant policies, without duplicate coverage and cost
  • Business Travel Accident, designed for current pandemic challenges
  • Utilize tools and technology to assist in making informed decisions
  • Advise on global insurance regulations and local practices
  • Enhance placements,  premier endorsements
  • Manage insurers and brokers administering the global insurance programs
  • Improve global communication and collaboration

Ready to simplify your multinational placement process?

Contact us for more information.