
Watch Our Benefits Compliance Webinar: The ERISA Plan Document Conundrum

Our ERISA Plan Documents seminar will cover The basics of ERISA, plan document requirements, and key employee communications

April 26, 2021

Since 1974, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) has significantly impacted employee welfare benefit plans and the requirement for plan documents. ERISA is complex and often confusing, but a necessity for Employee Benefits professionals to understand. For example, why do we provide a Summary of Benefits and Coverage when we already provided a Summary Plan Description?

In this seminar we will cover:

  • The basics of ERISA
  • Plan document requirements
  • Key employee communications

We will also help answer the following questions:

  • What employers are subject to ERISA?
  • What plans are subject to ERISA?
  • What documents are required?
  • What are the distribution requirements?