Watch Our Latest Compliance Video – Vaccination Incentives and Wellness Plans: Compliance Considerations from HIPAA Through Implementation
With vaccine incentives for employees and health plan participants making recent headlines, our Research & Compliance team discusses the compliance details around vaccine incentive programs in our latest webinar.

September 16, 2021
Watch Our Latest Compliance Video - Vaccination Incentives and Wellness Plans: Compliance Considerations from HIPAA Through Implementation
With vaccine incentives for employees and health plan participants making recent headlines, our Research & Compliance team discusses the compliance details around vaccine incentive programs in our latest webinar.
Topics include:
- HIPAA nondiscrimination rules
- Whether the ADA applies
- Religious objections
- The ACA’s Employer Mandate and affordability
- The pre-tax rules under §125
- Mid-year incentive implementation
Watch the recorded webinar to find out more about compliance considerations for vaccination incentives and wellness plans.