Employers, Public & Products Liability


Every business in Ireland is required to have adequate liability insurance. Without comprehensive liability insurance, your business could be exposed to financial and legal risks. The Brown & Brown team can access tailored liability solutions to help protect your business.

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Cyber Insurance to Help Protect Your Business from Digital Threats

Every business has responsibilities—to your employees, customers and the public. Without comprehensive business liability insurance, you could face unexpected financial and legal risks. Every company in Ireland requires adequate liability insurance.

At Brown & Brown, we help businesses across Ireland access tailored liability insurance solutions to help manage risks effectively.

What is Typically Covered?

  • Public Liability Insurance – Helps protect against claims from third parties due to injury or property damage.
  • Employer Liability Insurance – Coverage designed to help safeguard your business against employee-related claims.
  • Products Liability Insurance – Helps protect your business if a sold product potentially causes injury or damage.