Benefits Breakdown Podcast: September 2021
We will explore complex, counterintuitive, and compelling topics that give you a better understanding of the “whys” of the industry.

September 28, 2021
It’s no secret; employee benefits are complicated. We are here to break things down and help you build a roadmap for your approach to benefits. Together with our special guests from within the Brown & Brown team of companies, we will explore complex, counterintuitive, and compelling topics that give you a better understanding of the “whys” of the industry. Tune into our latest episodes:
Employee Benefits Compliance Updates
Our Employee Benefits team is joined by Nick Karls, Vice President of Regulatory and Legislative Strategy at Hays Companies (part of the Brown & Brown team), to talk about the recent rules and regulation changes coming out of Washington D.C. that employers need to be focused on for their benefit plans. Topics covered include:
- Status of wellness plans and wellness plan incentives
- Mental health benefits and the MHP NQTL requirements
- Plan eligibility snafus caused by fluctuating hours
Data and Medical Plan Fiduciaries
Our team is joined by Terry Adams, National Director or Analytics at Hays Companies (part of the Brown & Brown team), to talk about all things data and analytics The data conversations are everywhere, but how can employers utilize data so it can have a real impact on their spend? Topics covered include:
- How data and analytics has evolved, and how it impacts decisions
- What it means to shift from a claims center focus to a member-centric platform
- The basic blocking and tackling every employer should be focused on