
Insurance Solutions for Shooting Clubs and Enthusiasts


Understanding the importance of Shooting Insurance and Game Shooting Insurance is crucial for anyone engaged in these sports. Shooting sports often entail unique risks that require specialised insurance coverage to mitigate potential liabilities. Whether you participate in shooting activities individually or as part of a team, the slightest error can result in injuries to yourself or others or can cause damage to property. Insurance for shooting sports and clubs can include personal injury and public liability cover, offering essential protection following accidents that may occur during shooting events or practice sessions.

With an abundance of shotgun licences in the UK, having a sufficient level of Shooting Club Insurance is essential to safeguard your financial wellbeing. This tailored insurance not only provides financial security but also ensures peace of mind for both shooters and shooting clubs, allowing them to enjoy the sport with confidence.

Ready to help minimise your risk and uncertainty?

Fill In Our Quick Form Today for a Quote.

How We Can Help

With a wide range of different field sports and shooting activities available, we understand that your needs will vary. Therefore, at Brown & Brown, we aim to offer our customers insurance options tailored to your unique Shooting and Sports Insurance requirements.

We can also offer a wide range of Shooting Club Insurance products specifically tailored for your pursuit. From insurance for clay pigeon shooting to wildfowling, our specialists can help ensure you are receiving the comprehensive protection you need. Our Shooting Insurance policies are specifically tailored for shooting clubs, syndicates, commercial, corporate operations, and private individuals who organise shooting events.

What is Typically Covered?

  • Cancellation Cover
  • Directors and Officers Insurance
  • Liability Cover
  • Property Insurance

What is Typically Not Covered?

  • Any malicious or unlawful act
  • Any loss, theft or damage to shooting equipment which is hired, loaned or entrusted to you

Who Can Benefit?

Whether you are searching for Shooting or Game Shooting Insurance cover for clay pigeon shooting, wildfowling or deer stalking, Brown & Brown helps provide comprehensive cover to address your specific needs.

Inherent Risk

Individuals, corporate operations and shooting clubs should consider investing in Shooting Insurance covering the specific risks associated with shooting sports. Protect yourself, your property and financial wellbeing with the proper Levels of cover.

Peace of Mind

To feel comfortable enjoying this sport individually or within a club, you need to first feel assured that you are adequately protected through your Shooting and Sports Insurance cover.

Liability Policies

In the rare event that someone is injured while participating in shooting sports, Brown & Brown’s tailored solutions can offer protection both financially and reputationally.

Directors and Officers Liability

Shooting sports can put you at higher risk for receiving claims of negligence or wrongdoing. Through Brown & Brown’s Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, you can protect yourself and your club or syndicate from subsequent loss.

Additional Coverage Options

Brown & Brown understands that this specialism is unique and carries a wide array of potential risks. To help align with your needs, we also offer additional cover like member-to-member, foreign guns and cancellation cover.

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