Employee Benefits

2021 Health Care Industry Annual Benefits Survey Report

2021 Health Care Industry Annual Benefits Survey Report

For the 18th year, Brown & Brown is pleased to present the results of our 2021 Health Care Industry Annual Benefits Survey. We look forward to sharing these findings with our customers as we help them develop their benefits strategies.

This year, to be considerate of the strain our customers continue to face with the persistent pandemic and stalled return-to-work strategies, we chose to conduct one-on-one interviews with a subset of our survey respondents. The individual conversations allowed us to probe on decisions our customers have made, challenges they’ve experienced, and long-term themes they see as a result of COVID-19.

Seven Key Themes Identified

  1. Limited changes to core benefits in short term
  2. Behavioral health is #1 concern
  3. Caregiver support programs are a critical focus
  4. Multi-channel communication strategy is key
  5. Telehealth is quickly becoming the new normal
  6. Remote work policies are in progress
  7. Diversity, equity and inclusion programs becoming core offerings

As with past years, this year’s report also includes plan design and cost (rate and contribution) data from 40 health systems across the Northeast.

Please reach out to your Brown & Brown consultant if you would like more information about the Health Care Industry Annual Benefits Survey. As always, we have specialists and resources ready to help you and your HR colleagues address these challenges.