Recorded Webinar

ACA Reporting, Are You Ready?

ACA Reporting, Are You Ready?

On Tuesday, November 23, 2021, the IRS issued a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” that provides a permanent automatic 30-day extension to the January 31 deadline for Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) to furnish Form 1095-C to employees. The deadline relief also applies to health plans and issuers providing Form 1095-B and permits issuers to use an alternative method for furnishing the 1095-B forms to participants.

Watch as we discuss these changes and review Forms 1094-C and 1095-C reporting requirements for calendar year 2021. While much of the information covered in this presentation may be a refresher for many, we will also discuss minor revisions that apply to reporting some offers of health coverage.

Nick Karls

Vice President of Regulatory and Legislative Strategy

Scott Wold

Assistant Vice President of Regulatory and Legislative Strategy