Personal Insurance
Preventing Auto Theft in Canada
Preventing Auto Theft in Canada
In recent years, auto theft has become a national crisis in Canada. On average, a car is stolen in Canada every five minutes (1). In some parts of the country, annual auto claims have nearly tripled in the last five years due to increased auto theft. It is important to explore this issue in more detail and uncover ways car owners can help keep their vehicles safe in Canada.
What is driving this national crisis?
According to Interpol, cars stolen in Canada are typically sent overseas to be resold domestically or used by criminals for illicit purposes. The Port system in Canada tends to be less concerned with what is exiting the country than what is coming in, making it easier for criminals to ship stolen vehicles abroad. Additionally, the demand for certain makes/models that are available in Canada has increased in the international market. As a result, car theft has become a significant revenue generator for organized crime units.
Top Tips to Help Keep Your Car Safe
- Consider purchasing an anti-theft device.
- Keep your keys hidden at all times, even when they are in your house.
- Always ensure your windows and sunroof are closed and locked before leaving your car.
- Do not leave your car running unattended.
- Ensure your car is always left in a well-lit area, especially if you leave it overnight.
- If you do not park your car in a secured garage, consider installing motion-censored lighting and video surveillance where you park your vehicle.
- If your car has a built-in security system, be sure to activate it before leaving your car.
- Do not keep any valuables inside your car to avoid attracting attention from thieves.
Looking Ahead
While there has been a recent decrease in auto theft in the last couple of months, the threat remains for car owners in Canada. Whether the car is merely used to get you from point A to point B or if it is a major investment, car thieves do not discriminate when it comes to the vehicles that they target. The Canadian government has taken measures to deter thieves and help keep Canadian cars safe. However, it is always a good idea to err on the side of caution to help protect your vehicle.
How Brown & Brown Can Help
In the unfortunate case where you find that your vehicle has been stolen, immediately contact the police. Once they arrive on the scene, they will gather facts and file an incident report. The incident report should be submitted along with your insurance claim to expedite the process.
The Brown & Brown team can help you understand the options available and determine the coverage needed to help protect your vehicle from auto theft. Our experienced team works to evaluate your unique needs and build solutions to provide appropriate protection for your automobile.