
Watch Our Benefits Compliance Webinar: Basic Benefit Compliance for Public Employers

Watch the recorded webinar for an overview. of the best practices for disseminating information to non-ERISA plan participants.

May 28, 2021

There is a lot of time spent discussing the ERISA compliance requirements for health and welfare plans, especially when it comes to plan documents like Summary Plan Descriptions. But what about the public (i.e., governmental) employers that are not subject to ERISA?  What guidelines, if any, do we have regarding benefit compliance requirements when ERISA does not apply?

Watch as our Research and Compliance team covers:

  • The common compliance requirements that also apply to non-ERISA benefit plans
  • The common state-based requirements that may apply to non-ERISA benefit plans
  • Best practices for disseminating information to non-ERISA plan participants

Watch the recorded webinar for an overview.