Meet your pharmacy plan goals while ensuring access to essential medications

Pharmacy Benefits


The rising cost of prescription drugs has become a key driver of overall health care spending in the U.S. The growth in spend can be attributed to several factors – the number and type of medications and where they are being administered. Brown & Brown Pharmacy Benefits specialists can help mitigate rising costs while helping to provide patient safety and value.

How We Can Help

Whether an employer is in need of understanding the components of their pharmacy trend, managing specialty costs or identifying select high inflation products that have preferred alternatives, Brown & Brown Pharmacy Solutions specialists have strategies that can significantly impact drug spend while allowing access to a wide range of effective drug treatments with minimal member disruption.

full pill organizer


  • Carve-out vs. Carve-in PBM Efficacy
  • Custom Formulary
  • Specialty Copay Assist Program
  • Specialty Pharmacy Coverage Alignment Review
  • Rx Buying Coalitions and Cooperatives
  • PBM Contract Procurement
  • PBM Renewal Negotiation
  • Pharmacy Clinical Directorship

Ready to balance cost and member impact?

Contact us for more information.