Make informed decisions about your risk

Analytics & Modeling


Your risk profile is constantly evolving. The variables impacting your total cost of risk should be identified to effectively evaluate your insurance program. Brown & Brown’s Analytics team helps empower you with the information needed to make educated buying decisions and optimize your program structure.

How We Can Help

At Brown & Brown, we take a different approach to how you view, analyze and purchase insurance. Our analytics specialists help you build a risk management strategy based on a foundation of analytics. We leverage resources from the fields of actuarial science, statistics, catastrophe modeling, data science and quantitative finance that bring you nuanced insights translated into risk management strategies.

people looking at data on a tablet


Risk Mitigation

  • Data quality analyses and consultation
  • Loss causation analysis, trend monitoring and claims program health assessments
  • Predictive modeling and claims prioritization
  • Claim benchmarking and trending analysis
  • RMIS support

Risk Financing and Brokerage Support

  • Detailed financial modeling of various potential insurance program structures
  • Actuarial loss projections used for evaluation of potential insurance program structures
  • Actuarially determined reserve calculations for collateral negotiations
  • Experience modification factor estimations used for future premium calculations
  • Natural catastrophe (CAT) modeling used for evaluation of property program structures and for carrier negotiations

Ready to make informed decisions about your risks?

Contact us for more information.