Optimize the way you identify, quantify, mitigate and finance risk
Risk Solutions
How We Can Help
Brown & Brown’s Risk Solutions team challenges the status quo with our proprietary methodologies and tools to help optimize the way you identify, quantify, mitigate and finance risk. A thorough analysis of your overall insurance program will be done to confirm that your insurance program meets your organization’s total risk appetite and aligns with your strategic business goals. Once your risk portfolio has been quantified and the risk appetite defined, we help you design an optimized risk financing strategy with the goal of minimizing the total expected cost of risk.
Strategies to consider include:
- Stochastically modeling hazard risk portfolio to help to determine if current insurance structure aligns with hazard risk appetite
- Stress testing various program structures to determine impact on hazard risk appetite
- Utilizing captive to reduce premium and various frictional costs
- Re-directing premium dollars from more predictable risks to more volatile risks
- Re-designing pre-loss and post-loss activities to drive down retained loss costs
- Optimizing global program to reduce costs while ensuring local compliance

- Risk Management & Safety Program Assessment and Development
- Regulatory Compliance
- Best Practices Training Guides through “Actionable” Analytics
- High-Risk Activity Assessments
- Ergonomic Assessments
- Behavioral Based Safety Programs
- Industrial Hygiene Services
- Statistical Analysis
- Trending and Benchmarking
- Accountability and Cost-Allocation Programs
- Return to Work Program Assistance
- Fleet Safety
- Carrier Loss Control Service and Third-Party Safety Vendor Coordination
Through our Client Risk Management Center (RMC), we also offer:
- Onboarding and Operational Safety Training via a flexible Learning Management System
- Customizable electronic audits, surveys and self-assessments
- Customizable Behavior-Based Safety Implementation, Oversight and Trending
- Safety Data Sheet Management
- Job Description Assistance
Ready to optimize the way you identify, quantify, mitigate and finance risk?