Watch Our Benefits Compliance Webinar: Agency Answers to Questions About the ARPA COBRA Subsidies

Watch as our Research and Compliance team discusses agency guidance and the hurdles that remain for plan sponsors regarding ARPA COBRA Subsidies.

June 7, 2021

Watch as our Research and Compliance team discusses agency guidance and the hurdles that remain for plan sponsors regarding ARPA COBRA Subsidies.

The IRS recently released Notice 2021-31 which provides a set of FAQs regarding the COBRA subsidies under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The IRS notice, in conjunction with the notices and FAQs previously released by the DOL, provide us with a more complete picture regarding what plan sponsors need to do to comply with the ARPA COBRA subsidy requirements.

Topics covered include:

  • What are the main takeaways from the agency guidance?
  • What questions still remain for plan sponsors?
  • Are there ways for plan sponsors to make compliance with the ARPA subsidies a little easier?

Watch the recorded webinar for an overview.