Watch Our Benefits Compliance Webinar: Medicare: A Timeless Topic

With the aging of our workforce, Medicare plays a big role in health care coverage for many employees, spouses, and dependents.

September 24, 2021

With the aging of our workforce, Medicare plays a big role in health care coverage for many employees, spouses, and dependents. The impact of Medicare and your group health plans can be confusing to employers and employees alike.

Watch as our Research & Compliance team explores the interaction between group health plans and Medicare and answer many questions employees are asking about Medicare coverage, including:

  • What are the various components of Medicare, and what are the costs?
  • When can/should disabled individuals and individuals who are age 65 or older enroll in Medicare?
  • For active employees, does eligibility for Medicare affect group health plan coverage?
    • How do the plans coordinate benefits?
    • How does Medicare entitlement affect eligibility to contribute to an HSA?
    • Does gaining new Medicare entitlement permit employees to change their health coverage elections?
    • How does Medicare entitlement impact eligibility for COBRA continuation coverage?
    • What are the Medicare secondary payor rules, and what do plan sponsors need to do to ensure compliance?
    • When employees have coverage under our health plan and are also eligible for or covered by Medicare, what are our reporting and disclosure obligations as the employer/plan sponsor?

Watch the recorded webinar for an overview.