April Coffee & Compliance Podcasts Now Available

we have launched Coffee & Compliance, a podcast discussing today’s important regulatory and compliance topics. Listen to learn about the latest in compliance and earn SHRM credit.

April 16, 2021

Along with Hays Companies (Part of the Brown & Brown Team), we have launched Coffee & Compliance, a podcast discussing today’s important regulatory and compliance topics. The show is hosted by our seasoned compliance professionals, Ben Graves and Nicholas Karls. Listen to learn about the latest in compliance and earn SHRM credit!

Latest Podcast Overviews

What Exactly is a §213(d) Medical Expense?

Ben and Nick discuss what medical expenses are eligible for tax free coverage under Code §213(d). Topics covered include:

  • What group health plans does §213(d) apply to?
  • Why isn’t there simply a list of covered expenses?
  • How can a jacuzzi be covered for one plan participant, and not be covered for a different plan participant?


Ben and Nick discuss all the overlapping rules for COBRA in the government’s COVID-19 response. Topics covered include:

  • What are the basics of the Outbreak period?
  • What are the new rules concerning the conclusion of the Outbreak Period?
  • How do the Outbreak period rules overlap with the COBRA relief contained in the ARPA?

Listen and earn 1.0 SHRM credit