Compliance Webinar – Vaccination Incentives and Wellness Plans: Compliance Considerations from HIPAA Through Implementation
Join our Research & Compliance team as they discuss the compliance details around vaccine incentive programs.

September 8, 2021
Compliance Webinar - Vaccination Incentives and Wellness Plans: Compliance Considerations from HIPAA Through Implementation
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM CT
Register: Register Here
Vaccine incentives for employees and health plan participants have made headlines recently. Ultimately, most vaccine incentive programs will have to comply with the guidelines created for wellness plans, regardless of whether the incentive is a reward or a surcharge.
Join our Research & Compliance team as they discuss the compliance details around vaccine incentive programs. Topics include:
- HIPAA nondiscrimination rules
- Whether the ADA applies
- Religious objections
- The ACA’s Employer Mandate and affordability
- The pre-tax rules under §125
- Mid-year incentive implementation