October Coffee & Compliance Episodes Now Available

The Coffee & Compliance episodes feature a discussion of the look-back measurement under the ACA's employer mandate, followed by notice requirements.

October 20, 2021

Coffee & Compliance Latest Episodes: “Taking a Step Back to Talk About the Look-Back” and “Have You Noticed How Onerous Notices Can Be?

Our newest episodes of Coffee & Compliance are now available! The episodes feature a discussion of the look-back measurement under the ACA's employer mandate, followed by notice requirements. Listen now to learn more!

Taking a Step Back to Talk About the Look-Back

The Research & Compliance team discusses the look-back measurement method under the ACA’s (Affordable Care Act) employer mandate and all the nuances that comes with using the look-back measurement method. Topics covered include:

  • Why are the measurement period rules so confusing?
  • If you are measuring some hourly employees in a look back, you are probably measuring all hourly employees in a look-back (whether you know it or not)
  • The importance of having your look-back periods correctly documented in plan documents (again)

Have You Noticed How Onerous Notices Can Be?

The team discusses the various notice requirements with which employers and plan sponsors must comply. Topics covered include:

  • Why isn’t there a one-size-fits-all approach to notices?
  • Which notices keep us up at night?
  • The electronic distribution rules (but with a slightly new angle)

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