The Family and Medical Leave Act and Employee Benefits
Since 1996, employers subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) have been required to provide job-protected leaves of absence to covered workers. Workers’ rights under FMLA also include health care benefits protections. Final regulations published by the United States Department of Labor (DOL) in February 2013 expanded certain provisions of the FMLA.
Although many employers understand the job protection aspect of FMLA, protecting and maintaining employee health care benefits during FMLA leave can be just as, if not more, challenging. During this one-hour refresher, the Regulatory and Legislative Strategy Group will review and answer commonly-asked questions, such as:
- What employers are subject to FMLA?
- What employees are eligible for FMLA?
- Under what circumstances can employees take job-protected FMLA leave?
- What are the protections under FMLA?
- How do job-protected leaves affect welfare benefits other than health care?
- What are some steps which can be taken to help preserve benefit protections during and after an FMLA leave?
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Presented by the Brown & Brown Regulatory & Legislative Strategy Group.
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